CBI-BTM-4000 – Benchtop Turbidity Water Quality Meter

CBI-BTM-4000 – Benchtop Turbidity Water Quality Meter adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kekeruhan dalam air (turbidity) yang merupakan ukuran kemampuan partikel tersuspensi dalam menghamburkan cahaya.


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Product Technical Parameters
Range 0.00 – 9.99 ; 10.0 – 99.9 ; 100 – 4000 NTU
Resolution 0.01 ; 0.1 ; 1 NTU
Range Selection Automatic
Accuracy +/-2% of reading plus 0.02 NTU +/-5% of reading above 1000 NTU
Repeatability +/-1% of reading or 0.02 NTU whichever is greater
Stray Light < 0.02 NTU
Light Detection Silicon Photocell
Method Nephelometric method (90)
Measuring Mode Normal, Average, Continuous
Turbidity Standards <0.1, 15, 100, 750 and 2000 NTU
Calibration 2, 3, 4 or 5 point calibration
Light Source Tungsten filament lamp
Lamp life Greater than 100,000 readings
Display 40 x 70 mm graphic LCD (64 x 128 pixels) with backlight
Logging Memory 200 records
Serial Interface USB
Power Supply 230 V / 50 Hz or 115 V / 60 Hz 20 W
Auto Shut-off After 15 minutes of non-use
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