Elite PCTS Thermo Scientific

Jual Elite PCTS Thermo Scientific atau Elite Pocket Testers menawarkan pengujian elektrokimia saat bepergian yang fleksibel. Pilih Elit Model PCTS untuk mengukur pH, konduktivitas, total padatan terlarut (TDS) atau salinitas dengan suhu untuk berbagai aplikasi. Penguji saku elit tahan lama, dengan sebuah layar besar dengan lampu latar, fitur kalibrasi sekali sentuh, dan kepala sensor yang dapat diganti. Mereka sangat ideal untuk menguji minuman termasuk bir dan anggur homebrew, makanan, hidroponik, budidaya dan akuarium, pemantauan lingkungan dan banyak lagi.


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  • Opsi pengujian yang fleksibel, tampilan grafis back-lit yang besar
  • Ukur pH, konduktivitas, TDS atau salinitas dengan suhu
  • Menggunakan baterai alkaline 4 x AAA
  • Daya tahan baterai rata-rata 150 jam
  • Tutup anti bocor yang lebar berfungsi sebagai alas yang stabil
  • Sensor yang dapat diganti
  • Garansi satu tahun untuk penguji, Garansi enam bulan untuk sensor pengganti


Product Technical Parameters

Accuracy (Conductivity) ± 1% full scale
Accuracy (pH) ±0.02
Accuracy (Salinity) ± 1% full scale
Accuracy (TDS) ± 1% full scale
Backlight Option Yes
Battery Life 150 hr. (average)
Battery Type 4 x AAA Alkaline
Calibration Point to point
Calibration Modes pH, conductivity, TDS, salinity, temperature
Calibration Points 1 to 3
Calibration Points (Conductivity) 1 to 3
Calibration Points (pH) 1 to 3
Certifications/Compliance CE, FCC
Description Elite PCTS pocket tester for measuring pH, conductivity, TDS or salinity with temperature
Display Type Graphic Dot Matrix
IP Rating IP 67
Measurement Modes pH, conductivity, TDS, salinity, temperature
Range (Conductivity) 0.00 to 20.00 mS/cm
Range (pH) -1.00 to 15.00
Range (Salinity) 0.00 to 10.00 ppt
Range (TDS) 0.00 to 10.00 ppt
Resolution (pH) 0.01
Temperature Range (Metric) 0°C to 60.0°C
For Use With (Application) Drinking water, environmental, food & beverage, pool & spa, agriculture
Includes Elite PCTS tester with batteries, lanyard and soft carry case
Keypad 4 key
Probe Type Analog
Relative Humidity Range 5 to 85 %, non-condensing
Resolution (Conductivity) 0.1 μS/cm for 0.0 to 200.0 μS/cm; 1 μS/cm for200 to 2000 μS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm for 2.00 to 20.00 mS/cm
Resolution (Salinity) 0.10 ppt
Resolution (TDS) 0.1 ppm for 0.0 to 100.0 ppm; 1 ppm for 100 to 1000 ppm; 0.01 ppt for 0.10 to 10.00 ppt
Salinity Measurement Modes Per practical salinity curve
Stability 0.40 to 1.00 (selectable)
TDS Factor Range 0.40 to 1.00 (selectable)
Temperature Accuracy ±0.6°C, ±1.0°F for 0.0 to 50.0°C; ±1.1°C, ±1.9°F for 50.1 to 60.0°C
Temperature Compensation Yes
Temperature (Metric) Operating 5°C to 45°C (ambient)
Temperature Probe Calibration 1 point
Temperature Range (English) 32.0°F to 140.0°F
Temperature Resolution 0.1°C, 0.1°F
Temperature Selection ATC
Temperature Sensor Thermistor
Warranty 1 Year for Tester
Dimensions (L x W x H) 200 x 45 x 36mm
Shipping Weight (Metric) 175 g
Weight (Metric) 165 g (Including battery)
Unit Size Each
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