ENVILIFE High Precision Constant Temperature Incubator


Bakteri presisi tinggi, inkubator mikroba


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Product characteristic

  • Struktur pintu ganda mengadopsi kaca berkualitas tinggi, sampel yang mudah diamati, bagian luar dengan strip magnetik mudah dibuka dan ditutup, penyegelan yang baik, fungsi power-off pintu terbuka
  • Lampu standar, lampu UV, dengan sirkulasi angin
  • Suhu independen digital presisi tinggi
  • Dengan fungsi memotong lampu UV dengan membuka
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Cycle Mode Breeze Circulation
Function Temp. Range RT ±5 - 70°C
Temp. Resolution Ratio 0.1°C
Temp. Motion ±0.5°C
Temp. Uniformity ±0.8°C
Structure Inner Chamber Mirror stainless steel
Outer Shell Cool rolling steel electrostatic spraying exterior
Insulation Layer High quality foam board
Header Mica electrothermal film
Power Rating 0.35kW 0.45kW 0.6kW 0.7kW
Exhaust Hole φ 28mm top (with function of test hole)
Controller Temp. Control Mode PID Intelligent
Temp. Setting Mode Touch button setting
Temp. Display Mode Digital temperature: LCD upper row; setting temperature: the lower row
Timer 0,9999 min (with timing wait function)
Operation Function Fixed temperature operation, timing function, auto stop
Additional Function LED Floodlight, sensor deviation, temperature overshoot shelf- tunning, power off parameter memory
Sensor PT100
Safety Device Digital over temperature sound-light alarm
Specification Inner Chamber Size (W*L*H) (mm) 350*350*350 400*350*450 500*450*550 600*580*600
Exterior Size (W*L*H) (mm) 525*480*620 570*480*720 675*580*820 775*710*870
Packing Size (W*L*H) (mm) 605*572*775 665*572*875 775*672*975 855*802*1925
Volume 45L 65L 125L 210L
Shelf Number 7 9 13 14
Load Per Pack 15kg
Shelf Space 35mm
Supply (50/60Hz) Current Rating AC/220V/1,1A AC/220V/1,1A AC/220V/2,3A AC/220V/2,7A
NW/GW (kg) 27/30 32/35 45/49 58/63
Accessories Shelf 2
Shelf Frame 4
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