FLIR GF77 Gas Find IR Gas Detection and Thermal Inspection

FLIR GF77 Gas Find IR Gas Detection and Thermal Inspection – Tingkatkan kejernihan gambar dan deteksi gas dengan fitur-fitur canggih dari FLIR. Itu GF77 dikalibrasi untuk suhu, sehingga Anda dapat menyesuaikan kontras secara manual antara awan gas dan latar belakang. Atau, tingkatkan kontras secara instan dengan 1-Touch Fitur penyesuaian otomatis Level/Span. Terakhir, tekankan gerakan plume dengan FLIR Mode Sensitivitas Tinggi (HSM).


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Fungsi dan Kegunaan

  • MAKSIMALKAN EFISIENSI, Temukan kebocoran gas dengan aman dan lakukan inspeksi termal yang akurat menggunakan satu kamera.
  • PENCITRAAN GAS OPTIK TERJANGKAU, Dari autofokus berbantuan laser hingga peningkatan kontras 1-Touch Level/Span, GF77 menawarkan fitur berteknologi tinggi terbaru dengan tetap terjangkau.
  • MERAMPINGKAN INSPEKSI DAN PELAPORAN, Bekerja lebih mudah dengan desain ergonomis, alat untuk mengatur temuan di lapangan seperti GPS, Wi-Fi, dan anotasi, ditambah kemampuan pelaporan cepat.


IR Resolution 320 × 240 (76,800 pixels)
Gas Sensitivity [NECL] SF6: <1 ppm × m, C H : <20 ppm × m, NH: <20 ppm × m, R-12: <4 ppm × m (ΔT = 10°C, Distance = 1 m)
Detector Pitch 25 µm
Accuracy ≤100 °C ± 3°C (±5.4°F), >100°C ±3% for ambient temperature 15 to 35°C (59 to 95°F)
Spectral Range 7-8.5 µm
Available Lenses 25° LR, 6° LR, and 6° HR (service calibration required)
Detector Pitch 25 µm
Detector Type Uncooled microbolometer
Digital Zoom 1–6× continuous
Field of view (FOV) 25° x 19°
f-number 1.04
Focal Length 18 mm (0.71 in)
Image Frequency 30 Hz
IR Resolution 320 × 240 (76,800 pixels)
Minimum Focus Distance 0.3 m (0.98 ft)
Minimum Focus Distance with MSX 0.65 m (2.1 ft)
Non-radiometric IR video recording H.264 to memory card
Non-radiometric IR video streaming H.264, MPEG-4 over RTSP over Wi-Fi; MJPEG over UVC or Wi-Fi
On Camera Display 640 × 480 pixel (QVGA) 4" touchscreen LCD with auto-rotation
Radiometric IR video recording Real-time radiometric recording (.csq)
Radiometric IR video streaming Compressed, over UVC
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 1.4 mrad/pixel
Spectral Range 7-8.5 µm
Thermal Sensitivity/NETD <25 mK at 30°C (86°F)
Accuracy ≤100 °C ± 3°C (±5.4°F), >100°C ±3% for ambient temperature 15 to 35°C (59 to 95°F)
Image File Format Standard JPEG, measurement data included. Infrared-only mode
Interface USB 2.0, Bluetooth®, Wi-Fi, DisplayPort
Storage Media Removable SD card
Size [L × W × H] Lens vertical: 150.5 × 201.3 × 84.1 mm (5.9 × 7.9 × 3.3 in), Lens horizontal: 150.5 × 201.3 × 167.3 mm (5.9 × 7.9 × 6.6 in)
Weight [incl lens & batteries] 1.54 kg (3.4 lb)
Battery operating time >4 hours at 25°C (68°F) with typical use
Battery type Rechargeable Li-ion battery
Battery voltage 3.6 V
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Mounting UNC ¼”-20
Operating Temperature Range -15 to 50°C (5 to 122°F)
Shock & Vibration 25 g (IEC 60068-2-27) / 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Storage Temperature Range -40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F)
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