KIMO Instrument KIRAY 300 – Infrared thermometer
KIMO Instrument KIRAY 300 – Infrared thermometer, Termometer inframerah Kiray 300 adalah termometer yang digunakan untuk mendiagnosis, memeriksa, dan memeriksa suhu apa pun. Berkat sistem optiknya yang rumit dengan penampakan laser ganda, alat ini memungkinkan pengukuran yang mudah dan akurat dari target kecil yang jauh. Instrumen KIRAY 300 memiliki memori internal yang dapat menyimpan hingga 100 pengukuran. Kompatibel dengan K probe termokopel.
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Cara Kerja:
Termometer inframerah dapat mengukur suhu permukaan suatu obyek. Lensa optiknya menangkap energi yang dipancarkan dan dipantulkan oleh objek. Energi ini dikumpulkan dan difokuskan ke detektor. Informasi ini ditampilkan sebagai suhu. Laser pointer hanya digunakan untuk membidik target.
Sertifikasi CE:
- EN 50081-1 : 1992, Electromagnetic compatibility, Part 1
- EN 50082-1 : 1992, Electromagnetic compatibility, Part 2
- Kasus transportasi
- Panduan pengguna
- Probe termokopel K
- Tripod
Instrument features | |
Spectral response | 8 - 14 µm |
Optical | D.S : 50:1 (50.8 mm at 2540 mm) |
Temperature range | .From -50 to +1850°C |
Accuracy | From -50 to +20°C : ±3°C |
From +20 to +500°C : ±1% ±1°C | |
From +500 to +1000 °C : ±1.5% | |
From +1000 to +1850°C : ±2% | |
Infrared repeatability | From -50 to +20°C : ±1.5°C |
From +20 to +1000°C : ±0.5% or ±0.5°C | |
From +1000 to +1850°C : ±1% | |
Display resolution | 0.1°C |
Response time | 150 ms |
Emissivity | Adjustable from 0.10 to 1.0 (pre-set at 0.95) |
Over range indication | .Display indication : « ---- » |
Dual laser sighting | Wavelength : from 630 nm to 670 nm |
Output < 1mW, Class 2 (II) | |
Positive or negative | |
temperature indication | Automatic (no indication for a positive temperature) |
(-) sign for a negative temperature | |
Display | 3 lines, 4 digits with backlighted display LCD |
Auto-extinction | .Automatic after 7 seconds of inactivity |
High/low alarm | Flashing signal on display and beep signa |
with adjustable thresholds | |
Power supply | Alkaline 9V battery |
Autonomy | 95 h (inactive laser and backlight) |
15 h (active laser and backlight) | |
Use temperature | From 0 to +50°C |
Storage temperature | .From -10°C to +60°C |
Relative humidity | .From 10 to 90%RH in operating mode and |
lower than 80%RH in storage | |
Dimensions | 200 x 140 x 50 mm |
Weight | 320 g (included battery) |
Memory | 100 temperature values |
*Accuracy for an ambient temperature from 23 to 25°C (with a relative humidity lower than 80% RH) | |
Thermocouple K probe features | |
Temperature range | From -40 to 400°C |
Display range | From -50 to +1370°C |
Resolution | 0.1°C |
Accuracy | ±1.5% of reading ±3°C |
Cable length | 1 m |