Pette – Simple Electric Pipette

Envilife Pette is an innovative electronic pipette developed by Envilife. It combines the feature of manual pipette as ergonomic and light weight with the feature of electronic pipette as labor-saving and high performance, it offers new pipetting experience to the users.


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  • High accuracy, high performance stepper motor ensures accuracy and repeatability, eliminating manual pipetting errors
  • Amotor driven digital control pipette with multifunction
  • 2 buttons handle all operational settings
  • Light weight, ergonomic design, small body dimension for easy handling that guarantees fatigue free pipetting
  • Pipetting, Mixing
  • Adjustable speeds for aspiration and dispensing
  • Li-ion battery and dual charging modes enable longer operation time
  • Self calibration


Application Aqueous solution
Operation Method Electronic
Volume Range 0.5-1000μl
Channel Option Single Channel Adj.
Autoclavable YES (lower part)
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Channels Volume Range Increment Test Volume Error limits in accordance to ISO8655-2
μL μL μL Accuracy error Precision error
1 0.5-10 0.01 10 ±0.10 ±1.00 0.05 0.50
1 ±0.035 ±1.00 0.03 3.00
1 5-50 0.1 50 ±0.40 ±0.80 0.15 0.30
5 ±0.15 ±3.00 0.125 2.50
1 30-300 1 300 ±1.80 ±0.60 0.60 0.20
30 ±0.90 ±3.00 0.21 0.70
1 100-1000 5 1000 ±6.00 ±0.60 2.00 0.20
100 ±3.00 ±3.00 0.60 0.60
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